Various - The Big Gundown: Reggae Inspired by Spaghetti Westerns

Review (stolen from KG user kuruyacya):
The Big Gundown is a wicked compilation of late 60s and early 70s reggae songs that have been inspired by classic spaghetti western movies! This is fantastic stuff that's had us wearing our stetsons and skanking 'round the office all day!

Of all the cinematic genres, it was the Hollywood Westerns that captured the imaginations of the young Jamaicans the most, and the island's record producers were quick to cash in with ska classic s such as "Gun Fever", "Tall in the Saddle", "Vera Cruz", and "Lawless Street". However, in the mid-sixties, Italian movie directors such a Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci and Sergio Sollima deconstructed their favourite movie genre and invested it with a new realism, and so the Italian Westerns took on their own identity. The grit, the dirt, the sweat, the scenery and above all the relentless, merciless violence made a huge impression on cinema audiences and especially in Jamacia, where, as legend has it they were eventually banned as a response to local rude boys joining the gunplay and shooting a the screens!

Funnily enough, none of these reggae tributes to spaghetti westerns actually cover the music from the movies they took their titles from, rather the producers and musicians attempted to recreate the brooding, violent atmosphere of the movies and add a new dimension to what may have turned out to be a commercially average track.


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